Saturday, September 18, 2010

In the Knowledge Business - Don't believe the hype!

If you are in any type of consulting field there are a few basic rules.
Firstly KNOW what you are talking about and what you are professing to be an expert in. There is this sad thing in today's internet where people feel that if you present yourself as an expert, people will perceive you as one and then you make some good money.

The truth is, that is no longer the case. Because of people who are doing this as part of their "marketing" plan, these so called self titled "experts" have damaged this for the real professionals.

The funny thing is everytime I see someone who calls them a professional, I call them on it. Well, what do you know? What have you done all your life? What experience do you have?

The sad truth is many of them have zero knowledge in consulting. They know a few inspirational quotes they found on the internet, don't really read books regularly and are simply trying to make a quick buck.

The sad part is, I feel bad for them. I am a compassionate human being and I understand these people need to put food on the table, but do not LIE about yourself.

The Best approach to entrepreneurship is to be involved in a field that you have extensive experience in. You have spent years working before the economy collapse, so take that expereince and make something out of it. Do Not Try and Reinvent Your Wheel To conform by what is the "popular" thing out there. Or by what many of these mentors are telling you to.

A real Consultant and Mentor will help you succeed using your own already acquired skills and helps you to grow from that point. They do not direct you to "begin again."

Find something you love to do, you are passionate about doing and YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE DOING.

Nothing can take down your credibility more than claiming to be something you are not.

For more information, connect with me:     |   Facebook   |   Twitter

About the Author:
Sandra Torres is a Business and Marketing Coach, Self-help Author, Fitness Enthusiast and Mother of a wonderful teenage boy. Sandra works creating and writing ad copy, web content, developing sales strategies to drive sales and often does Social Media Trainings. As a Business Coach, she helps small business owners, individuals and corporate executives effectively operate their businesses through guidance and consulting.

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